5-MeO-DMT Integration: Embodying Nonduality is Not What You Think
Back when Dr. Ball dubbed 5-MeO-DMT “The God Molecule” in 2008, “integration” of psychedelics wasn’t a topic of discussion or concern. It wasn’t something that was offered by underground facilitators or religious and ceremonial groups that served psychedelic sacraments. Today, “integration” is a hot topic in the psychedelic world, but what does it really mean, especially when applied to the uniquely profound and powerful 5-MeO-DMT, which, unlike most psychedelics, can reliably produce nondual energetic states of being?
Using his own energetic transformation process from 2008-2009, his time as a nondual energetic practitioner who worked with clients with 5-MeO-DMT (2009-2016), and his present role as a professional nondual integration guide and 5-MeO-DMT facilitator advisor, Dr. Ball describes in one-of-a-kind detail and comprehensiveness just what “integration” is in this context, which he characterizes as the process of energetic reformatting via the embodiment of nondual energy. Whereas the vast majority of psychedelic experiences still function dualistically where there is an observing and experiencing subject that encounters psychedelic content and objects of experience, 5-MeO-DMT obliterates this apparent divide in direct, nondual experience where the full energy of being is immediately encountered and embodied.
In focusing on the process of embodiment, Dr. Ball deftly presents why this process is not about mental concepts, beliefs, ideas, or any form of spiritual or religious doctrine or ideology. The profound truth of liberated being is available right here, right now, in the embodied experience.
Entheogenic Liberation: Unraveling the Enigma of Nonduality with 5-MeO-DMT Energetic Therapy
From the author of the groundbreaking book, Being Human, comes a radical new guide to personal liberation and transformation. Written by one of the world’s leading authorities on nonduality and psychedelic experience, Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., Entheogenic Liberation is the definitive work on 5-MeO-DMT and its applicability to genuine enlightenment and freedom from the illusory prison of the ego. With wisdom and guidance culled from years of direct therapeutic work, this book lays out precise and detailed instructions and methodologies for working with the world’s most powerful entheogenic medicine for the purpose of achieving liberation into the fundamental unitary state of being. Presented as a form of therapy, this work is free from metaphysics and speculation, articulating practical approaches for deep entheogenic work that can achieve radical and meaningful results. The ideas and techniques explored here could revolutionize the way people think of psychedelics, nonduality, human life, and reality in general. Provocative, challenging, and deeply insightful, Entheogenic Liberation is a must-read for anyone serious about liberation and the future of humanity – a future that is grounded in truth, or lost in illusion and perpetual confusions of the human ego.
Beyond the artificial construct of the individual self lies an infinite unitary state of love, awareness, and authentic being. By working to energetically unwind the unconscious artifice of the ego, the possibility of true freedom calls.
Only you can liberate yourself. Are you ready?
Being Human: An Entheological Guide to God, Evolution, and the Fractal, Energetic Nature of Reality
Being Human is the extraordinary new book that articulates a grand unified vision of reality through the Entheological Paradigm. Skillfully avoiding all speculation and metaphysics, Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., presents a concise explanation for the fundamental nature of reality as the fractal expression of a Unitary Energy Being (God). Ball explores how intentional work with entheogens, such as DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, gives individuals direct access to their immediate energetic natures. Through such practices, individuals can liberate themselves from the restrictive confines of their illusion-bound egos and embrace their personalities and bodies as direct expressions of God in physical and conscious form. Radical in its implications, stunning for its simplicity, Being Human is humanity’s long-awaited guide to genuine fulfillment, transcendence, and global harmony and peace. If you feel ready to understand and experience the truth for yourself, then Being Human is the only book you will ever need.
Being Human provides a step-by-step guide to understanding the fundamental nature of reality as well as practical guidance for living in reality. Topics include: Fractal geometry and inorganic and organic evolution; The formation of the ego; God’s signature in fractal anatomy; The electromagnetic nature of divine energy; Exploring energy with entheogens; Transcending the ego; Self-expression and natural energy; Differences between meditation and entheogenic practice; The nature of the Divine Imagination; Understanding your Personal Interface with the Divine; Archetypal patterns and fundamental geometry; and much more.
Never before has there been a book like Being Human, and now that this guide exists, nothing will ever be the same. Welcome, at long last, to reality.
The Entheological Paradigm: Essays on the DMT and 5-MeO-DMT Experience and the Meaning of it All . . .
New for 2021 is a completely re-vamped and greatly-expanded version of my 2011 book, The Entheological Paradigm. This new edition is significantly different from the original release. Some of the original contents have been removed, and many new materials have been included. New to this edition:
My critical essays on the topic of 2012 and magical, fantasy thinking
My keynote address to the Nonduality Global Summit 2020
My address to the World Bufo Alvarius Congress, 2020
No-longer-in-print selections from my 2008 book, The Entheogenic Evolution
Two essays on MDMA and MDA
My essay on Three Models of Psychedelic Healing
An all-new introduction
A lengthy interview from "The Naked Guru Experience"
And more!
Facilitating 5-MeO-DMT: An Anthology of Approaches to Serving the GOD Molecule
The world's most profound entheogen, 5-MeO-DMT, "The God Molecule," is rapidly spreading around the globe, due to its unique ability to provide reliable access to nondual states of consciousness and embodied experience. Attracting the attention of philosophers, therapists, researchers, celebrities, and spiritual seekers the world over, this radical entheogen is quickly changing the landscape of humanity's ability to experience itself as the divine without the need for religion or even spirituality.
In this one-of-a-kind collection of essays, nondual educator and former 5-MeO-DMT facilitator, Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., has invited facilitators from around the world to present their perspectives on how the experience of 5-MeO-DMT is facilitated and shared by presenting their own unique practices in their own voices.