Helping you Prepare for, Navigate, and Integrate your Entheogenic & Psychedelic Experiences from a Unique, Nondual Perspective via Private Consultations
If you’re ready to go beyond the dualistic shamanic model of psychedelic experience and are ready to take it all the way to Unitary Being and Infinite Reality, then I can help you.
Specializing in 5-MeO-DMT, DMT, Ayahuasca, Psilocybin Mushrooms, Peyote, San Pedro, “Research” Chemicals, MDMA, Salvia divinorum, and more, I bring all of my personal experience as an explorer of consciousness and being to this work, as well as my years of experience as a direct facilitator of medicine journeys and nondual energetic therapy, a process I pioneered via my work with “The God Molecule,” 5-MeO-DMT, the crown jewel of all entheogens. My approach is nondual and energetic in nature, focusing on the embodied experience and how the energy of being is directly experienced, expressed, and grounded within our bodies and how it contributes to a state of liberated being right here and right now. Entheogens, as energetic amplifiers that work through the medium of the body, profoundly accelerate and super-charge our natural ability to process and express energy that holds the potential to bring us into greater alignment with our authentic energy, rather than the conditioned energetic structures of the human ego which judge, suppress, indulge, act out, and perform. True authenticity is effortless and immediately available, but the process to return to this natural state often involves dynamic and intense periods of energetic processing, releasing, transforming, and clearing/letting go. I bring my wealth of knowledge and experience with this process into every consultation and integration session with my clients and provide a uniquely-informed perspective to my work in helping others navigate the deepest and most profound transformations.
“Just know that the invitation to set yourself free is always open, and when you learn how to pay attention, you’ll find that the invitation is present in every moment, in every experience, in every breath, and in every beat of your precious heart.”
— from Entheogenic Liberation, by Martin W. Ball, Ph.D.
Individual Consultations
Individual Skype sessions of 30, 60, and 90 minutes.
Learn to work with Infinite Energy
I specialize in the energetics of entheogens and psychedelics from an embodied perspective.
Embodied Authenticity
The human ego is a prison, but it doesn’t have to be. Learn how to truly FEEL your authenticity as an Infinite Unitary Being embodied in Human Form.
Learn to be the Real YOU
Move beyond the self-limiting concepts, illusions, projections, and attachments of the ego by learning how to work with nondual energetic therapy with psychedelics
“Who are you? And perhaps more importantly, what are you? You are certainly a human being, but what, exactly, is a human being? What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be you?
from Being Human: An Entheological Guide to God, Evolution, and the Fractal, Energetic Nature of Reality by Martin W. Ball, Ph.D.